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Store Policy

Customer Care

Intent: This policy has been created to ensure that all employees understand the importance of providing excellent customer service and how they can contribute to a positive customer experience.

Scope: This policy applies to all employees who have contact with customers, including but not limited to customer service representatives, managers, and supervisors.

Policy: It is the policy of Eco Lab Supply to provide the best possible customer service. To do this, we have created this Customer Service Playbook that outlines our customer service philosophy and expectations. The Customer Service Playbook is a living document that will be updated as our team grows and changes. We encourage all team members to review the Customer Service Playbook regularly, and to make suggestions on how we can improve our customer service.

Customer interactions must be:

• well-timed
• professional
• courteous
• respectful of the customer’s time
• responsive to the customer’s inquiries and requests
• informative of any changes or updates that may affect customers

As customer service professionals, we will:

• create a culture of customer first throughout the company by living and breathing our customer service promise
• strive to provide an effortless customer experience by always putting the customer first and making it easy to do business with us
• be proactive in solving problems
• hold each other accountable to live up to our customer service promise
• continuously improve our customer experience by soliciting feedback, measuring results, and making changes based on what we learn

Service Standards Guidelines


• All calls will be answered within 6 rings.
• If we are unable to answer a call, it will be forwarded to voicemail.
• Voicemails will be checked every 2 hours and returned within 10 minutes.
• In case of high call volumes, customers will be given the option to leave a voicemail or receive a callback.


• All emails will be answered within 24 hours.
• If an email cannot be answered within 12 hours, the customer will receive an automated response notifying them that their email has been received and is being processed.

Live Chat:

• We will respond to all Live Chat requests within 5 minutes.
• If we are unable to respond within 5 minutes, the customer will be given the option to leave a message or receive a callback.


• We will greet all customers within 10 seconds of their arrival.
• We will answer all questions professionally and courteously.
• We will provide assistance in a timely and efficient manner.
• We will do everything possible to resolve any issues the customer is having.

Internal communication

• Supervisors are to be notified of any customer service issues that cannot be resolved by customer service representatives.
• In the event that a customer service representative is unable to resolve an issue, they will escalate the issue to their supervisor.
• Customer complaints will be logged and tracked in the [name] system.
• A resolution will be provided to the customer within 48 hours.

Complaint Handling Procedure

There will inevitably be occasions when a customer is dissatisfied with the service they have received. We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible and to the customer’s satisfaction. Our procedure for handling complaints is as follows:

• All customer complaints must be logged by the receiving member of staff in a customer complaints form.
• The customer complaints form must be passed to the customer service manager immediately.
• The customer service manager will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within 5 working days, enclosing a copy of this procedure. They will also investigate the complaint and decide on the appropriate course of action.
• Where it is not possible to resolve the complaint within 5 working days, the customer service manager will write to the customer again, enclosing a copy of this procedure and giving an indication of when a full response can be expected.
• The customer service manager will ensure that all complaints are resolved promptly and to the customer’s satisfaction.
• All customer complaints will be reviewed by the customer service manager on a [daily/weekly/monthly] basis.
• Customer complaints will be used to identify any areas where improvements need to be made to our service.
If you have any questions about this procedure, please do not hesitate to contact the Customer Service Manager. Thank you for your cooperation.

Constant Feedback Culture

Customers are the lifeblood of our company, and we wouldn’t be in business without them. We, therefore, want to maintain a client-focused culture within our company that puts customers first and values their feedback. This means learning from both customer success stories and failures.

That’s why:

• We always welcome feedback from our customers, whether it’s positive or negative. We want to know what we’re doing right and what we’re doing wrong so that we can continue to improve our customer service.
• We conduct customer surveys to obtain feedback from our clients.
• We encourage open communication between customers and customer service reps. We want our customers to feel like they can approach us with any problem or concern they may have.
• We take all feedback seriously and use it to improve our customer service. We want to be the best we can be for our customers, and their feedback is essential in helping us achieve that goal.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Customer Service Playbook, and we hope it will be a helpful resource for you.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Privacy & Safety

Product Security


Two-factor authentication
2-Step Verification adds more security to your LiveAgent account. When you have 2-Factor Authentication enabled, any attempt to log into your account must be accompanied by the code that you generated in Google Authenticator app. 2-Step Verification can help keep unknown people out, even if they have your password.

HTTPS encryption
All Eco Lab Supply hosted accounts run over a secure connection using the HTTPS protocol. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. It means all communication between your browser and LiveAgent is encrypted, including your chat and email communication.

Secure credential storage
We follow latest best practices to store and protect user login credentials and passwords in the cloud.

IP & network restrictions
Your Eco Lab Supply Agent panel can be configured to only allow access from specific IP address ranges.

API Security
Eco Lab Supply REST API is restricted to accredited users based on username and password or username and API tokens.

SPAM filtering
Eco Lab Supply has an intelligent built in SPAM filter that learns and improves its filtering capabilities continuously. 

On top of that, we have our bug bounty program, by which independent security researches can help us to protect our application.


Data center security

We ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data with industry best practices. LiveAgent servers are hosted at Tier IV or III+, PCI DSS, SSAE-16, or ISO 27001 compliant facilities. Our Security Team constantly pushes security updates and actively responds to security alerts and events.

Physical security

FacilitiesServer environment
LiveAgent servers are hosted at Tier III+ or IV or PCI DSS, SSAE-16, or ISO 27001 compliant facilities. Data center facilities are powered by redundant power, each with UPS and backup generators. 

On-site SecuritySecurity zones
Our data center facilities feature a secured perimeter with multi-level security zones, 24/7 manned security, CCTV video surveillance, multifactor identification with biometric access control, physical locks, and security breach alarms.

MonitoringServer & Device monitoring
All Production Network systems, networked devices, and circuits are constantly monitored and logically administered by LiveAgent administrators. Physical security, power, and internet connectivity beyond co-location cage doors or Amazon/Linode services are monitored by the facilities providers.

LocationDatacenters in United States, Europe & Asia
LiveAgent hosts data in multiple data centers based on your preference or geographical location in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Customers can choose to locate their Service Data in the US-only or Europe-only.


Network security

ArchitectureSecurity zones in our architecture
Our network security architecture consists of multiple security zones. More sensitive systems, like application servers and database servers, are protected in our most trusted zones. Other systems like loadbalancers are housed in zones commensurate with their sensitivity, depending on function, information classification, and risk. 

3rd-party Penetration TestsThird-Party Security Research
In addition to our extensive internal scanning and testing program, LiveAgent also works with third-party security experts and researchers to perform security checks and broad penetration tests.

Network Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability scanning
Network security scanning gives us deep insight for quick identification of out-of-compliance or potentially vulnerable systems.

DDoS MitigationDDoS Mitigation
Industry-leading infrastructure is in place to protect against and mitigate the impact of denial-of-service attacks.

EncryptionCommunication Encryption
Communications between you and LiveAgent servers are encrypted via industry best practices HTTPS and Transport Layer Security (TLS) over public networks.


Payment Methods

Wholesale Inquiries

Email us at, we reply within 24 hours!

Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards

- Offline Payments

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